viernes, 17 de julio de 2015

Welcome to TwentyPeople International!

Welcome to TwentyPeople International, the international distribution subsidiary of TwentyPeople Europe.
We manage the distribution of TwentyPeople Europe "made by" products and TwentyPeople Europe "made under the authority of" products.
Our distribution center at the moment is GitHub. Click the "Distribution (GitHub)" link above to visit it.

Actual staff of TwentyPeople International:

  • Alexander, Director.
  • Allie, GitHub Distribution; Office manager.
  • Tom, TwentyPeople Europe Developers leader.
  • Don, Advertising.
  • Margaret, Secretary.

Disclaimer: The staff mentioned above don't have to be separate people, alters of the same body are allowed to have different charges.

lunes, 8 de julio de 2013

jCurrency: Release v2, ready for Mac and JRE6!

The jCurrency application, in its first version, only worked for people with JRE7 installed, and was found to not work properly in Mac.
Now, in the Release v2, the Mac support comes out-of-the-box, and it has been compilated to be cross-compatible with both JRE7 (the last one) and JRE6!
The Release v2 will be released soon. Remember that you can use the Issues tool at our GitHub to report any bugs that you find; either in the end-user product or in the source code.